I can make it through the apes and the stewardess walking with Velcro shoes. I think I even made it to the big monolith on the moon once or at least I have an imagine in my mind of men in space suits trying to hold their ears when it emitted a loud noise. But I always find my mind wandering when the satellites are doing their German waltz and then I go find something better to do. Actually, it is possible I even made it to the Discovery since a picture of someone running in a centrifuge looks familiar.
Of course, I have seen numerous spoofs of Hal on TV shows like The Simpsons and Futurama where a computer or spaceship develops human emotions that lead the computer/spaceship to threaten physical harm or death to humans/aliens/robots. Generally, the computer/robot is shown to be malevolent, desiring to possess something and willing to destroy anything that gets in its way. Now that I think about it, the iRobot film follows this plot in that a supercomputer determines that humans are not fit to take care of themselves and must more or less enslave humans for their well being.
The movie and the book were written to go together with the book being published just after the release of the film. If you have both seen the movie and read the book, I think you will agree with me that the order is wrong. The movie is largely a visualization without a complete narrative to nicely link all the images together. It is also vague, or enigmatic if you want a more positive sounding word.

For example, a bunch of apes see this big black slab and go, well, bananas and start smashing things with bones. You can somewhat deduce that this is the discovery of tools and weapons but what did that have to do with the monolith? The book treats this part of the tale seriously. A group of hominids, not yet human but nearing, wake up one morning to discover the monolith. Each evening, the monolith captures the attention of the group to run tests. The hominids are hungry, near starvation and extinction. The monolith manipulates the bodies and minds of the creatures to suggest to them new ways of doing things and to inspire within them the concept of being sated. Over time, many months, some of them begin to use tools such as bones as weapons to take down meat. This is not only the discovery of weaponry and tools but also a discovery of meat as part of the hominid diet. Later, nearly by accident, the hominids discover that these weapons can also be used for defense (against a leopard) and offense (against a rival group with whom they compete for food). Once the hominids reach this state in their development, the monolith disappears. But now the hominids have the concept of tools, which will lead them through 3 million years of development until mankind, the heir of the hominids, is ready to explore space.

The monolith is evidence of an alien life that, yearning for intelligent company, encourages and develops the mental faculties of other species. It rescues the hominid species from extinction in the hope that eventually, the species would grow. A beautiful idea of benevolent alien interaction. You can watch Star Trek TNG episode The Chase (6:20) which has a similar plot. As does Clarke's Childhoods End. So far I have made references to three works, none of which I have written about, all of which I enjoyed very much.
Is this even implied in the movie? Why is it that everyone remembers the music and HAL but not the hypothetical alien life and possible human evolution to something greater than what we are? We tend to think that evolution stops here, that life as we know it is the best this planet can do. Clark seems to think that we are capable of becoming more, even at the precipice of nuclear war.

I do have something positive to say about the movie, it was beautifully scientifically accurate as far as space travel was concerned - as was the book. The artificial gravity created by centrifuge, the food and toilet issues, walking in zero gravity, the design of the Discovery, the lack of sound in space, time delay in communications (which I think were rather optimistic but so was getting to the Moon in a matter of hours), the look of the hominids was based on works by anthropologist and all-around-awesomist Leakey. There are some problems in the film, most of which could not be avoided (like the way liquids and small solids would move in zero gravity). But overall, I think they did their homework.
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